Published : 2019-09-30

Tourist and Recreational Activity of Senior Residents of Wrocław

Maria Zamelska

Beata Kaczor


The aim of the study described in this article was to identify the main factors determining tourist and recreational activity of senior residents of Wrocław in the Wrocław Metropolis. The target population was defined as people aged 50 and older, following the publications of Statistics Poland and governmental documents. The study addressed spatial, socio-economic and demographic conditions of tourist and recreational activity of senior citizens. In order to verify the research hypothesis, the authors conducted a personal interview survey among 326 senior inhabitants of Wrocław. The authors hypothesised that tourist and recreational activity of senior residents of Wrocław in the tourist and recreation areas of Wrocław Metropolis was motivated by their desire to improve health through physical activity and learn about nature and culture. The study results confirm the main hypothesis. It was found that the key factors motivating people aged 50+ to take up tourist and recreational activity are the need to relax outdoors, including various forms of physical recreation and the desire to learn about nature and culture. The most frequently visited tourist and recreation area of Wrocław Metropolis turned out to be the Odra River Valley in the area of Wrocław and Wrocław city parks (mainly for one-day recreational activities) and the Barycz River Valley in the area of Żmigród indicated primarily as a destination for weekend trips. (original abstract)


Tourist activity, Recreation, Elderly people





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Zamelska, M., & Kaczor, B. (2019). Tourist and Recreational Activity of Senior Residents of Wrocław. Studia Periegetica, 27(3), 99–117.

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