Published : 2019-06-30

Development of a Catalogue of Criteria for Assessing the Accessibility of Cultural Heritage Sites

Alina Zajadacz

Anna Lubarska


The article presents the postulates of developing a catalogue of criteria for assessing the accessibility of cultural heritage sites as tourist attractions from the point of view of the needs of several social groups: persons with disabilities, elderly people and visitors with children. In this catalogue three basic components are of key importance: physical/technical preparation, tourist information system and the skills and competences of the staff serving guests. The first part of the article is a review, discussing the concept of accessibility as well as the barriers and constraints that may exist in cultural heritage sites from the perspective of the groups of visitors concerned. The second part focuses on the presentation of the postulates for the development of a catalogue of criteria for the assessment of accessibility on the example of the case study of the Piast Trail - the main historical thematic route in the Wielkopolska region. The contents of the article constitute a knowledge base useful in the process of equal opportunities in access to historical and cultural heritage. They also serve as guidelines for improving the quality of services in tourist facilities. (original abstract)


Tourism, Disabled people, Cultural heritage





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Zajadacz, A., & Lubarska, A. (2019). Development of a Catalogue of Criteria for Assessing the Accessibility of Cultural Heritage Sites. Studia Periegetica, 26(2), 91–101.

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