1. The “Studia Periegetica” journal uses double blind peer review process (double anonymized), which means that reviewer identity is not made visible to author, author identity is not made visible to reviewer, reviewer and author identity is visible to (decision-making) editor.
2. The article submitted for publication is initially assessed by the editor-in-chief of “Studia Periegetica” to determine if it fits the journal’s profile.
3. After this preliminary acceptance, the article is reviewed by at least two independent, external reviewers not affiliated with the author’s institution. The editor may, but does not have to, use reviewers suggested by the authors. All supplementary material is subjected to peer review.
4. The reviewers review the article and provide the editor with comments, suggestions and a recommendation:
5. The editor reads the reviews and sends them to the author(s) (along with any additional tips). After receiving the review, the authors decide whether to make corrections and resubmit the article if corrections are required. The author(s) formulate responses to all comments and suggestions of reviewers and editors.
6. The editor decides whether he accepts the article and sends it for proofreading and publication, or sends it back for further reviews and corrections.
7. In addition to suggestions from the reviewers, the author may receive additional suggestions from:
8. The final decision about whether to publish the article or not is made by the editor-in-chief in agreement with the managing after analysing the entire editorial process.