Published : 2015-04-30

An Analysis of Incomes and Living Standards in Selected Countries of the European Union

Maciej Banasik

Hanna Napora-Leńdźwa


Europe is a continent of contrasts. The population's standard of living has become a central issue in European as well as global social development strategy and policy making. Factors such as the quality of living have come to play an important role in measuring social progress. At present, attempts are made to view people's living conditions from a wider perspective, using traditional criteria, such as income and GDP, alongside subjective indicators of well-being and satisfaction with various aspects of life. This paper aims to describe the living standards in five diverse EU countries. The analysis is based on a range of selected (traditional and subjective) indicators including income, gross domestic product, unemployment rate, poverty rate, social exclusion, social infrastructure, education system, and living conditions.(original abstract)


People's living conditions, Poverty, Gross domestic product (GDP), Unemployment, Emigration





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Banasik, M., & Napora-Leńdźwa, H. (2015). An Analysis of Incomes and Living Standards in Selected Countries of the European Union. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 59(2). Retrieved from

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