Published : 2015-04-30

The Myth of (Un)Equal Pay for Men and Women

Łukasz Wawrowski


Pay equity is a principle that has been embodied in the key acts of job market legislation in Poland and has become an important objective for feminist movements and EU gender equality policy. On the other hand, it is not easy to establish how much men and women are actually paid, and the findings largely depend on who makes the estimates and how they are made. If differences in pay are discovered, explanations for these will also vary, and a variety of reasons are quoted for women's (in)ability to fully and equally participate in the job market. The contention boils down to the perception of the biological and socio-cultural ingredients of manhood and womanhood whereby women's bondage to the private domain appears either natural and inevitable or a mere consequence of stereotypical restrictions placed on their activity in the public domain. Hence, the paper aims to illustrate the extent to which allegations of a gender pay gap are justified and whether pay equity is or is not just another myth.(original abstract)


Equality of employees, Women's discrimination, Employment discrimination, Equal rights for women and men, Feminism





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Wawrowski, Łukasz. (2015). The Myth of (Un)Equal Pay for Men and Women. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 59(2). Retrieved from

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