Published : 2015-02-28

Foreign Aid Budget of the European Union and the Investment Potential of Local Government in Poland between 2014-2020

Dorota Wyszkowska


Local government entities are the greatest investors in Poland since entering into the EU. In the years 2007-2013, they spent PLN 259.4 billion altogether on investment activity. This was possible, mainly, due to the support of EU non-repayable aid. It is expected that in the programming period of 2014-2020 that is starting now, LSEs will also constitute one of the main groups of beneficiaries of this aid. Funds from the EU will significantly increase the investment potential of LSEs in a given period. It is estimated that the funds that the LSEs in Poland could invest on their own equal the average annual operational surplus from the last 7 years, and amount to PLN 170 billion. EU aid will constitute about 36% of the funds LSEs will be able to designate for investment activity. The remaining problem is, however, that not all LSEs will be able to make use of this aid because of their indebtedness, which, in turn, will result in a lack of possibility to incur new debt, and thus, the inability to ensure their own contribution to European projects at the same time.(original abstract)


EU funds, Investment potential, Local government





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Wyszkowska, D. (2015). Foreign Aid Budget of the European Union and the Investment Potential of Local Government in Poland between 2014-2020. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 58(1). Retrieved from

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