Published : 2015-02-28

The Involvement of Banks and Microfinance Institutions in Options of EU Fund Absorption between 2014-2020

Agnieszka Alińska


This article focuses on the problems of EU spending in the new perspective of 2014- 2020, within the framework of the cohesion policy, and with regard to the Europe 2020 strategy. It is a strategy for smart, sustainable, and socio-economic development of favorable social inclusion and aligning development disparities. The article stresses that one of the essential elements in the whole process of the absorption of EU funds in the new perspective of funding is the involvement of financial institutions. Therefore, the main objective of the article was to identify areas and financial instruments, which are at the disposal of the financial institutions, such as banks and microfinance institutions, which are possible to use in order to improve the efficiency of absorption of EU funds in the years 2014-2020.(original abstract)


EU funds, Europe 2020 Strategy, Financial institutions





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Alińska, A. (2015). The Involvement of Banks and Microfinance Institutions in Options of EU Fund Absorption between 2014-2020. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 58(1). Retrieved from

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