Published : 2014-12-30

The Role of Management, Intermediaries, Other Audit Institutions, and Project Implementers in Monitoring, Evaluating, and Controlling Projects Co-financed by the European Social Fund

Hubert Ostapowicz


The condition of the use of the ESF in Poland, including the Podlaskie Voivodship, allows you to start research which aims at providing answers to vital questions bothering nearly all institutions and persons directly or indirectly engaged in the distribution process and spending of EU funds. What are the monitoring activities in the project? What is the evaluation and who is responsible for it? The author of the paper attempts to answer some of these questions. It seems that the answers should become the basis and starting point for a wider analysis, which would enable applying suitable solutions to controlling the process of implementing EU aid in the coming programming period, which is after 2013.(original abstract)


EU programme, Operational Programme Human Capital





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Ostapowicz, H. (2014). The Role of Management, Intermediaries, Other Audit Institutions, and Project Implementers in Monitoring, Evaluating, and Controlling Projects Co-financed by the European Social Fund. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 57(6). Retrieved from

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