Published : 2014-12-30

The Use of European Funds in the Implementation of Public-private Partnerships in Poland - Past Experience and Future Possibilities

Joanna Śmiechowicz


The economic crisis has led to a reduction in the number and value of public-private partnership projects in Europe. In Poland, however, since 2009, opposite tendencies can be observed and the partnership market is developing dynamically. The EU funds are being used in financing investments more often, and it should be noted that although the hybrid projects represent only 17% of all implemented in Poland, their share in the total value of the projects implemented in the form of a partnership is about 2/3, so it is very significant. Due to favorable changes in EU legislation relating to the PPP and specific Polish conditions, the further popularization of hybrid projects may be expected in the coming years.(original abstract)


Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), EU funds union, Investment project





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Śmiechowicz, J. (2014). The Use of European Funds in the Implementation of Public-private Partnerships in Poland - Past Experience and Future Possibilities. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 57(6). Retrieved from

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