Published : 2014-12-30

Corporate Social Responsibility of Both Islamic and Conventional Financial Institutions - a Comparative Approach

Tomasz Boczarski


Over the past few decades, the concept of corporate social responsibility has become a subject of particular interest, not only of economists, but also of managers themselves. As a result, many enterprises began taking into account not only the financial aspects of their activities, but also the impact that they have on the market environment. Currently, ethical, social, or ecological issues are as important as economic issues. Financial institutions are also increasingly adopting ethical guidelines governing their relations with stakeholders, and support or initiate programs aimed at environmental protection, community development, the reduction of social and financial exclusion, etc. The purpose of this paper is to describe how social responsibility issues are seen in Islamic financial institutions, whose activity is regulated by rules derived directly from the divine revelation. These rules are, in fact, much older than CSR and their ethical issues in economic relations are developed by Muslim scholars essentially since the early Middle Ages.(original abstract)


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Islam, Islamic banking





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Boczarski, T. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility of Both Islamic and Conventional Financial Institutions - a Comparative Approach. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 57(6). Retrieved from

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