Published : 2014-10-30

An Analysis of the Stability of the Financial System in EU Countries Based on Quantitative Macroeconomic Indicators

Mariusz Próchniak

Katarzyna Wasiak


This paper covers the theoretical and empirical aspects of financial stability. From the theoretical perspective, the study presents a review of the literature on definitions and methods of analyzing financial stability, main sources of financial system instability, and the central banks' tools of maintaining stability of the financial sector. The paper also explores the list of indicators that measure the degree of financial stability. In regards to empirical aspects, the article examines the impact of the macroeconomic environment on financial sector stability, measured by five variables. A correlation and regression analysis is used to assess this impact. The calculations are carried out on the basis of panel data encompassing 28 European Union countries during the years 2006-2013. One of the key results shows the positive impact of both economic growth and income levels on financial stability.(original abstract)


Financial sustainability, Economic growth, Financial system, Macroeconomic indicators





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Próchniak, M., & Wasiak, K. (2014). An Analysis of the Stability of the Financial System in EU Countries Based on Quantitative Macroeconomic Indicators. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 56(5). Retrieved from

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