Published : 2014-08-30

Post-crisis Dilemmas of the Polish Cooperative Banking Sector

Andrzej Pietrasz


The recent crisis has changed markets as well as factors and behaviours in the market environment. The question that immediately arises is how these changes have affected the Polish cooperative banking sector. This paper is an analytical research attempt aimed at identifying and understanding the post-crisis dilemmas concerning the market conditions in which Polish cooperative banks have had to operate, with a focus on the most recent period, i.e. after 2012. The paper delivers a description of cooperative banking after 2012, including an overview of Poland's cooperative banking sector, its financial performance and profitability ratios, as well as a summary of the lessons learned while operating throughout the period. In addition, the perception of cooperative banks by their immediate environment is discussed, and insights into the paths for the sector's further development are offered. Finally, the author attempts to forecast into the future of cooperative banking, taking into account the changes in its regulatory framework, the role and further evolution of information technology and e-banking, and the prospective emergence of partnerships between cooperative banks and business companies.(original abstract)


Banking sector, Cooperative banks, Banking cooperative





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Pietrasz, A. (2014). Post-crisis Dilemmas of the Polish Cooperative Banking Sector. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 55(4). Retrieved from

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