Published : 2014-08-30

Balance Sheet Policy and Its Potential Influence on the Rate and Structure of Business Profits

Magdalena Głębocka


The operation of business organizations involve communicating with their business environment. Information interchange most often occurs through financial reports, and the economic data revealed in these reports provides a basis for business decision making. Concerned about their reputation, companies may influence the information content of financial reports, exercising the possibility to choose specific options allowed by the accounting law, regarding the pricing of their assets and liabilities or the method for calculating their financial result. One of the most important economic categories included in the assessment of a company's performance is the financial result, i.e. profit or loss. This paper aims to indicate the rationale for, and the range of, available balance sheet policy instruments that can be applied in determining a company's financial result.(original abstract)


Creative accounting, Asset valuation, Financial performance, Information function of financial statements, Balance sheets policy, Accounting policy





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Głębocka, M. (2014). Balance Sheet Policy and Its Potential Influence on the Rate and Structure of Business Profits. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 55(4). Retrieved from

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