Published : 2014-08-30

The Cost of Hard Coal Production as a Primary Factor Affecting the Sustainability of the Hard Coal Mining Industry in Poland

Miłosz Stanisławski


As a result of the unprecedented dynamics of changes in the economy, cost management has recently become one of the most critical areas of business management. Increasing competition in the global market has already forced mining companies to initiate measures aimed at improving the utilization of resources and rationalizing the cost of production. Hence, the mining companies' ability to flexibly manage their production costs, particularly in those areas which they can directly access and effectively control, seems to be a primary factor determining the future of hard coal mining in Poland. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the trajectory of hard coal production costs in Poland in 2006-2012. Based on this analysis, recommendations and guidelines are offered for improving the financial performance of hard coal companies and maintaining the competitive position of the coal mining sector in the free market economy.(original abstract)


Hard bituminous coal mining, Coal production, Production costs





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Stanisławski, M. (2014). The Cost of Hard Coal Production as a Primary Factor Affecting the Sustainability of the Hard Coal Mining Industry in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 55(4). Retrieved from

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