Published : 2014-08-30

Personal Financial Advisor Charging - Polish Experiences vs. International Solutions

Krzysztof Waliszewski


In Poland, the question of charges for financial advisory services is among the most debated and controversial aspects of this relatively new financial institution. The clause banning fees and commissions charged by advisors from financial institutions that has been in effect in the United Kingdom since 2013, introduced as part of the Retail Distribution Review, encourages a reflection on the personal financial advisor charging models in Poland. It seems unquestionable that personal finance planner's remuneration should be approached from the perspective of the customer's interest, and that it should be geared to optimize the goals of the management service being provided. On the other hand, the financial advisor charging model is a product of the society's knowledge on finance, its financial intelligence, and its awareness of the need to manage household finance - a charging model that would disregard specific national factors might lead to the decline of financial advisory services in the country.(original abstract)


Financial consulting, Financial management, Financial intermediation





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Waliszewski, K. (2014). Personal Financial Advisor Charging - Polish Experiences vs. International Solutions. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 55(4). Retrieved from

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