Published : 2014-06-30

Toward a New Paradigm in Finance

Jarosław Mielcarek


Reflection on the nature of the new paradigm in finance focuses on two strands of problems. The first strand is concerned with ontological assumptions that define the researcher's cognitive perspective. Unexpected phenomena may be discovered through research conducted under the incumbent paradigm, or they may arise suddenly in business practice. Such phenomena may be of two kinds: some will appear unexpected under a given paradigm, while others will be so in a manner intrinsic to social sciences - they will be seen as unexpected because they represent unintended social outcomes of premeditated human actions. From these ontological assumptions, that author derives conclusions and recommendations regarding research methodology. It is demonstrated that modified functional-genetic explanation is an appropriate research tool in detecting and explaining unexpected phenomena that represent unintended outcomes of premeditated human actions. For phenomena that appear unexpected under a given paradigm, and hence should be approached as puzzles, the recommended research tool is decomposition, since the procedure makes it possible to identify the factor, or the primary process, in which the phenomenon originates.(original abstract)


Finance, Ontology, Research methods





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Mielcarek, J. (2014). Toward a New Paradigm in Finance. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 54(3). Retrieved from

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