Published : 2014-04-30

Promoting the Cooperation between Business and Science - Examples from the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship

Aranka Ignasiak-Szulc


This article deals with a very important issues from the perspective of building an economy based on knowledge and innovation; that being the issue of cooperation for effective commercialization of scientific and research results and the creation of cooperative relations conducive to increasing the innovative capacity of firms. The text presents the partial (referring to the area of innovation) results of the study evaluation, commissioned by the regional authorities of the region, with the overall objective to determine the effectiveness of support for entrepreneurship in the financial perspective between the years 2007-2013. They show that innovations implemented in the region's enterprises thus far, often do not have the impact that crosses regional borders, and the business sector does not often enough, use the opportunities offered by the cooperation with the R&D sector or the actions undertaken in the framework of cooperative relations. However, the initiatives emerging in the region in order to develop the cooperation between enterprises and R&D institutions, some of which are described in the article (concerning research vouchers, the appointment of the fund for implementation of research results, and the fund to support the initiation and development of the cooperative relations), indicate that the regional authorities recognize the need to support this sphere of activities within the regional innovation policy. Thus, actions are becoming more systemic in nature, and within them, there is support for more and more comprehensive actions on an increasing scale. These have an opportunity to contribute to the creation of a regional innovation system, within which the science-business cooperation framework, with support (organizational and financial) of the regional self-government, will result in an increase in innovation and competitiveness of the regional improvement.


Innovation policy, Regional innovation, Knowledge-based economy, R&D in the enterprise, Entrepreneurship support





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Ignasiak-Szulc, A. (2014). Promoting the Cooperation between Business and Science - Examples from the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 53(2). Retrieved from

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