Published : 2013-12-30

Innovation Policy as a Way to Support the Transfer of Knowledge to Society and the Economy

Lechosław Cichowski


This study is an indication of the selected conditions that the role of innovation policy plays as an important tool for the effective transfer of knowledge to the economy. Innovation policy is not the most important tool for building an innovative position in the modern market economy, but based on the experience of various economies, including Poland, it can be concluded that the lack or inadequacy of the policy adversely affects the course and results of the innovation processes. An effective innovation policy should take into account the specific nature of the innovation. Its main role is to give innovative impetus to initiate the process of overcoming the current state of innovation in the economy.(original abstract)


Innovations, Innovation policy, Innovative character, Knowledge transfer





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Cichowski, L. (2013). Innovation Policy as a Way to Support the Transfer of Knowledge to Society and the Economy. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 51(6). Retrieved from

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