Published : 2013-12-30

Creating Partnerships in the Field of Academic Entrepreneurship

Agnieszka Młodzińska-Granek


Cooperation between science and business is one of the priority foundations in the creation of the state innovation strategies. This activity is part of the trend called academic entrepreneurship. One of the mechanisms positively influencing its development is the creation of partnerships in innovation research and development policy. The key objective of this article is an analysis of the way cooperation is being created in the context of academic entrepreneurship development. The author identifies the following aspects of this process: the opening of the public sphere; transformation of the universities; the role of academic entrepreneurship; and public-private partnerships as the mechanism supporting the development of academic entrepreneurship. Through the analysis, the author aims to answer the question as to what trends drive the creation of partnerships supporting the development of academic entrepreneurship in a public-private sphere.(original abstract)


Entrepreneurship, Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), Public governance, R&D policy, Innovation policy, Academic entrepreneurship





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Młodzińska-Granek, A. (2013). Creating Partnerships in the Field of Academic Entrepreneurship. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 51(6). Retrieved from

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