Published : 2013-12-30

Citation Analysis as a Practical Tool for Managers and Entrepreneurs: Selected Scientometric Concepts Relevant for Business Model Improvement

Michał Jasieński


Entrepreneurs often face the challenge of hiring academic researchers who could provide know-how or serve as potential business partners, collaborators or expert consultants. Since hiring experts may be costly, it is essential that only the best specialists be used. I this article I describe some quantitative scientometric tools (such as h-index and g-index) aimed at evaluating the academic quality of institutions or of individual researchers. Such tools provide information that is easily accessible, comprehensible and merit-based, although they must be used with caution, since disciplines differ in the absolute values of indexes. I show how to use scientometrics in a comparative manner in order to document low output and poor quality of the publications of Polish academic authors in the area of business and management. I also argue that some governmental procedures for rewarding academic excellence are not effective because they reduce incentives for publishing academic papers in English.(original abstract)


Bibliometric methods, Consulting, Entrepreneurship, Scientific research





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Jasieński, M. (2013). Citation Analysis as a Practical Tool for Managers and Entrepreneurs: Selected Scientometric Concepts Relevant for Business Model Improvement. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 51(6). Retrieved from

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