Published : 2013-10-30

Clusters and Transnational Projects, as a Form of Science and Business Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region Countries - Case Studies

Marek Grzybowski


The article discusses the results of the research carried out by the Baltic Sea Region Observatory and the projects implemented by the European Union Programme for the Baltic Sea Region. The Department of Economics and Management of Gdynia Maritime University and the Polish Maritime Cluster's research was presented. It shows that the most effective form of cooperation between science and economy in the Baltic Sea Region are scientific and industrial clusters and transnational projects. The most important is cooperation between the industry representatives, local business, universities and research institutes, and regional governments. The partnership of these institutions has contributed to the synergy of science and business practice in the Baltic Sea Region.(original abstract)


Business cluster, International scientific cooperation, International economic cooperation





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Grzybowski, M. (2013). Clusters and Transnational Projects, as a Form of Science and Business Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region Countries - Case Studies. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 50(5). Retrieved from

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