Published : 2013-10-30

Commercialization of Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities Based on the Discourse Surrounding the Consumerist Society

Eryk Pieszak


Over the last fifty years in Western societies, there has been some consolidation among individuals around one predominant discourse, the consolidation whose social sciences and humanities are not able to grasp, as they each deal with only a fragment of reality. Neither one of these research areas consider the results of the other's research, nor their aims, apart from any significant contributions to their own field's development. The basis for this consolidation was once the nation. At present, however, it is a goods turnover, on whose strength all items that could have been gifts, become goods with no additional meaning. Commercialization of research in the humanities may help in understanding these processes. This will lead to a new dimension of security. In the past, security was associated with the national identity; nowadays however, it is more and more connected with the identity of the consumer group or the ones that do not identify themselves with consumption. The main aim of the presented analyses is to demonstrate a commercial character of social and humanistic studies, to show their significance as it pertains to the research on the consumerist society, and to set important trends to continue the research. Therefore, the research prospect will be presented here to show the connection between texts describing the consumerist society and the concept of the gift, and then to demonstrate how important they are to understand the processes occurring in such societies as the Polish one.(original abstract)


Commercialization, Scientific research, Social consumption, Humanistic sciences





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Pieszak, E. (2013). Commercialization of Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities Based on the Discourse Surrounding the Consumerist Society. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 50(5). Retrieved from

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