Published : 2013-10-30

The Instruments Supporting Academic Entrepreneurship - an Example from the Agricultural University in Cracow

Stanisław Małek

Krzysztof Klęczar

Adelina Kasprzak


In recent years one can observe the dynamic changes in the perception of the role that higher education should perform. The new rules of funding science encourage the universities to actively cooperate with the economic environment. This is particularly important in the case of universities having research programs in technology and natural sciences, which by definition, should be focused on solving environmental and economic problems. To handle the new duties, universities were provided with the right tools, namely with an amended Act of Higher Education Law. Article 86 of the aforementioned Act allows universities to create units like partnerships and technology transfer offices. The aim of the partnership is to cooperate with the economy and support academic entrepreneurship, through technology transfer centers, university incubators, and special-purpose companies. Many universities have quickly started using these new opportunities. They have created efficient systems supporting innovation and collaborating with businesses, especially by putting emphasis on the development of academic entrepreneurships. The University of Agriculture in Cracow is one of the leading universities in these actions.(original abstract)


Entrepreneurship, Technology transfer (TT), Enterprise incubators





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Małek, S., Klęczar, K., & Kasprzak, A. (2013). The Instruments Supporting Academic Entrepreneurship - an Example from the Agricultural University in Cracow. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 50(5). Retrieved from

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