Published : 2013-10-30

The Business Cycle and the Source, Limitations, and Effects of Innovation in the Wielkopolska Region During the Years 2009-2011

Arkadiusz Świadek


The innovative behavior of enterprises has a changing nature over time dependent on many external factors, including phases of the business cycle. This effect is not sufficiently explained in scientific literature. In theory, there are actually contradictory concepts discussing these processes. The purpose of this article is to attempt to determine the relationship between the different phases of the business cycle and the sources, limitations, and effects of the innovative activities of enterprises in the Wielkopolska Region. The methodological part of the analysis is done through logit econometric modeling, which is based on the theory of probability. The results show the changing nature of the sources, limitations, and effects of the innovation(original abstract)


Business cycles, Innovative management, Econometric modeling, Enterprise innovation





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Świadek, A. (2013). The Business Cycle and the Source, Limitations, and Effects of Innovation in the Wielkopolska Region During the Years 2009-2011. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 50(5). Retrieved from

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