Published : 2013-10-30

Structural Determinants of Innovative Cooperation of Industrial Companies in the Lubuskie Region during 2009-2011

Marek Tomaszewski


Industrial enterprises in the region of Lubusz have, by far, shown most often their cooperation between the closest links of the supply chain, namely with suppliers and customers. Significantly lower values were indicated for the probability of establishing an innovative cooperation between industrial companies and their competitors, or individuals from the scientific field. The obtained model shows that in a group of micro and small enterprises, the probability of establishing innovative cooperation is much lower than in the group of medium and large sized enterprises. In the event of an innovative collaboration between industrial companies and suppliers, the probability of this cooperation is determined to be higher if the project does not have formal rules and there are no formal mechanisms of knowledge transfer. On the other hand, in the case of the implementation of a joint innovation project with other partners, rather than suppliers, the probability of innovation cooperation is much higher if the cooperation is formalized and takes the form of: workforce participation in courses and training, exchanges of personnel between the cooperating parties, and providing a finished product to a company or at least the prototype.(original abstract)


Enterprise innovation, Industry innovation, Knowledge transfer, Questionnaire survey





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Tomaszewski, M. (2013). Structural Determinants of Innovative Cooperation of Industrial Companies in the Lubuskie Region during 2009-2011. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 50(5). Retrieved from

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