Published : 2013-10-30

The Current State and Prospects of Cooperation between Universities and Enterprises Using the Example of the Lomza District

Urszula Kobylińska

Anna Dymko


In recent years, Poland has had a significant change in the perception of the role of universities and R&D centers in the economic life of the country. Increasingly, it is believed that closer cooperation between stakeholders from business and research centers can accelerate the development of the economy and offset the negative trends in the labor market. It is important in this area to learn and master the mechanisms of the transfer of research results into business practice, as they can help to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and enable them to create new jobs, especially in regions lagging behind economically, such as the Podlasie province. The purpose of this article is to create an analysis of the co-operation between universities and the business environment through the example of the State Higher School of Computer Science and Business Administration in Lomza (PWSIiP) and businesses of the Lomza district. In particular, the level of knowledge in the local business community will be described surrounding the possibility of cooperation with research centers. The relationship between businesses, the Lomza district, and PWSIiP in Lomza will be examined. The authors of the paper will also determine new directions and opportunities for business cooperation in the Lomza district.(original abstract)


Enterprise competitiveness, Research centres, Scientific research, University-Business Cooperation (UBC)





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Kobylińska, U., & Dymko, A. (2013). The Current State and Prospects of Cooperation between Universities and Enterprises Using the Example of the Lomza District. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 50(5). Retrieved from

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