Published : 2013-08-30

Areas of Collaborative Networking within the Polish Aviation Sector

Patrycja Klimas


The aim of the article was to identify the main areas of cooperation between hightech organizations, like the aviation sector. The research directed on the networking processes was conducted using a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodological approach, and deliberate sampling of the network explored. The selected network operates within the most developed Polish high-tech industry, brings together aerospace organizations, and is the biggest and most important Polish aviation cluster. Based on the conducted research, including 8 interviews and 51 completed questionnaires, it was possible to identify inter-organizational collaboration activities and networking processes along the whole value chain. However, the most intensive and significant cooperation is carried out in the pre-production phase and in the sale phase. Furthermore, the most important area of inter-organizational cooperation happens during the pre-production phase, where there is a collective purchase of raw materials. The collective purchase of raw materials is the most valuable area of the networking processes for these considered organizations.(original abstract)


Aviation, Aviation industry, High-tech, Cooperation of enterprises





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Klimas, P. (2013). Areas of Collaborative Networking within the Polish Aviation Sector. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 49(4). Retrieved from

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