Published : 2013-08-30

Network Organization. Semantic Approach

Piotr Koćwin


Scientific knowledge should be characterized by specified features. The most important feature of scientific knowledge is its intersubjective communicability and intersubjective verifiability. As a result, scientific knowledge should be an object of social communication. Therefore, knowledge should be externalized by signs, especially linguistic sings, because science as an effect of cognitive activity is, first of all, a linguistic system. The condition of intersubjective communicability is that terms are unambiguous, clear and precise. In other words, the condition of intersubjective communicability is linguistic order. Nowadays one of the most popular terms in the science of management is network organization. This, however, poses a question: does this term fulfil the conditions of intersubjective communicability? In light of the analysis of the scientific literature, one can suggest the idea that the term does not meet the conditions of intersubjective communicability in a majority of works. The main aim of this paper is to verify above statement.(original abstract)


Network organisations, Terminology of science





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Koćwin, P. (2013). Network Organization. Semantic Approach. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 49(4). Retrieved from

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