Published : 2013-08-30

Strengthening the Competitiveness of Enterprises through Cross-organizational Cooperation

Michał Nowicki


The necessity of finding new and modern solutions to enhance prospects for development and rapid response to market changes, constitute an imperative point in building an effective competitive position for a company. The above-mentioned declaration is a practical reflection of the implementation of entrepreneurial attitudes, which are realized in order to achieve unique and valuable advantages, provide businesses development resources and opportunities, and thus strengthen its (business) market position. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to confirm the validity of the view that it is increasingly difficult to compete using only a business's own resources and expertise. An additional purpose of this paper is the identification and presentation of the benefits which stem from cooperating ties occurring between SME. Verification and evidence for the validity of the hypotheses posed in the article are presented in the form of a list of numerous research results, both domestic and foreign. Their analysis provides a clear indication that today, a more important role is attributed to behavior and attitudes related to cooperation. For SME companies, these factors are one of the key elements determining the chances of success in the implementation and execution of strategies, that enable effective defenses against the increasing negative impacts of turbulent environment, intensification of changes, and complications occurring in today's economy. For SME companies these factors are one of the key elements determining the chances of success in the implementation and execution of strategies that allow effective defense against the increasing negative impact of the volatility of business environments and the intensification of changes and complications occurring in today's global economy.(original abstract)


Enterprise competitiveness, Competitive advantage, Enterprises cooperation





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Nowicki, M. (2013). Strengthening the Competitiveness of Enterprises through Cross-organizational Cooperation. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 49(4). Retrieved from

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