Published : 2013-08-30

Power and Subjectivity

Krzysztof Wielecki


The problem of power and subjectivity must be addressed now, in the context of the great civilizational change that, from about the mid-seventies, we can see more and more clearly. In scientific literature found in the field of philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics, culture and other subjects, we read about the various crises of the different spheres of human life, the world, and even the crisis of man himself. This paper is dedicated to the issue of human subjectivity in the crisis of civilization. First, I define the crisis itself, and then the crisis of humanity from the perspective of philosophical anthropology. A particular focus is places on the philosophy of dialogue. From this perspective, the concept of power if shown and explained in sociological terms. I show a peculiar emphasis is placed on the sociology of power and the subjectivity of the concept of Max Weber's disenchantment of the world.(original abstract)


Civilization, Social order, Power, Rationality





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Wielecki, K. (2013). Power and Subjectivity. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 49(4). Retrieved from

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