Published : 2013-08-30

Homo Postsovieticus. Tischner's Work Ethic and the Realities of the Twenty-first Century

Krzysztof Wieczorek


Józef Tischner was one of the most discerning observers and diagnosticians of the Polish public life in the last three decades of the twentieth century. He has developed a number of important tools for the description and evaluation of the most important forms and areas in which the drama of the collective existence of the Polish nation has been performed. Among the most famous historiosophical categories in Tischner discourse, the term "homo sovieticus" had emerged - intriguing, controversial and often criticized. Tischner tried to use it to construct a socio-philosophical model of the Central European transition, with particular emphasis on the situation of Polish society after the collapse of communism. The article attempts to reconstruct the analysis of the Polish social reality made over the years by Józef Tischner, focusing on the analysis in the field of work ethic. Next it considers the problem of how the research methods and the results obtained by them, developed by the author of "The Ethic of Solidarity", remain inspirational and up-to-date. In this case, the research task we undertook is to try to understand the sources, mechanisms, and the likely outcomes of our country's problems associated with the imperfect structure of the system of work and ethical disorder prevailing in occupational environments. (original abstract)


Work ethics, Catholic work ethic





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Wieczorek, K. (2013). Homo Postsovieticus. Tischner’s Work Ethic and the Realities of the Twenty-first Century. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 49(4). Retrieved from

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