Published : 2013-08-30

Is More's Utopia a Real Utopia?

Mateusz Witański


At the beginning of the 16th century, Thomas More created a work that he entitled with the short word "Utopia". Although it was neither the first, nor the last attempt at presenting an ideal political system, the two states - ideal and unreal - are associated precisely with the title of his work. At present, we understand the word utopia as an ideal of society that does not allow for the possibility of bringing it into existence, or an idea that cannot be implemented. Is More's proposal a real utopia in the contemporary meaning of the word? It seems that both the idealistic nature of solutions, and their infeasibility, have put a question mark over all attempts at implementing similar solutions undertaken by subsequent generations of politicians worldwide. One of the countries where the spirit of More is manifest is the United States.(original abstract)


Political system, Democracy





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Witański, M. (2013). Is More’s Utopia a Real Utopia?. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 49(4). Retrieved from

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