Published : 2012-12-30

In Search for Final Organizational Model of Cooperative Banking Functioning in Poland

Agnieszka Alińska


One of the problems in Polish cooperative banking is lack of determination in actions undertaken up to now and not enough will to create a coherent strategy of cooperative banks on the Polish financial market. Up to now no clear and coherent vision/concept of cooperative banking development in Poland has been designed. New challenges and expectations concerning the cooperative banking sector aroused after the implementation of Directive CRD IV. This showed the necessity of implementing further changes in the functioning and internal organization of cooperative banks in Poland. On the market of financial services there are institutions with long history, good recognition of the local environment, tight contacts with customers, and good financial and economic results compared with the whole banking sector. However, for many years now the market share of these financial institutions has been a low, stable level. Moreover one can observe a great differentiation among the banks in terms of capital volume and financial potential. The factor lowering cooperative banks' power is competition among them and competition among cooperative banking associations, which is contradictory to basic principles of cooperative banking in the EU. That situation makes it difficult to prepare a coherent strategy for the whole sector of cooperative banking in Poland, and diminishes the position of cooperative banking sector on the financial services market.(original abstract)


Cooperative banks, Restructuring of cooperative banks, Banking law





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Alińska, A. (2012). In Search for Final Organizational Model of Cooperative Banking Functioning in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 45(45). Retrieved from

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