Published : 2012-08-30

A Centrally Planned Economy and the Market Economy. The Structure Reverse

Władysław Balicki

Barbara Ptaszyńska


In the centrally planned economy a motive for decision making is executing the plan imposed by the government authority. It is oriented towards maximizing demand and minimizing supply. The significant excess demand became the most distinctive phenomenon for that economy. Authorities, which work under pressure because of demand imbalance, invest heavily into those assets which are the most profitable, namely in those producing output goods. A specific pyramid-shaped structure is being established with extended activities of raw materials but with final underinvestment. A reverse trend is observed in the market economy. A motive for decision making is profit. Therefore, it is subject to circulation/ effect relation, which results in continuous demand reduction for raw material goods and the structure of both extended final activities and underinvested raw material is becoming more established.(original abstract)


Market economy, Central planning, Economic structure, Information asymmetry

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Balicki, W., & Ptaszyńska, B. (2012). A Centrally Planned Economy and the Market Economy. The Structure Reverse. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 43(43). Retrieved from

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