Published : 2012-08-30

Liquidation of the Demand Disequilibrium in Terms of Transformation of the Economic System - the Case of Chile and Poland

Mikołaj Handschke


The paper presents elements of the broader analysis associated with the transformation of the economic system in Chile and Poland. The analysis covers the Chilean transition period of the years 1973-1981, while the Polish 1989-1993. The analysis involves the economic processes associated with the liquidation of the demand disequilibrium in both countries during the transition from the centrally managed system to the market economy. The analysis comprises also the study of the convergence of selected macroeconomic indicators in each year of the transition. The author compares the final results of the liquidation of the demand disequilibrium in Chile and Poland, trying to identify the reasons for the similarities and differences in their progress and the final results.(original abstract)


Political and systemic transformations, Monetary policy, Exchange policy, Foreign trade





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Handschke, M. (2012). Liquidation of the Demand Disequilibrium in Terms of Transformation of the Economic System - the Case of Chile and Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 43(43). Retrieved from

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