Published : 2012-08-30

The Involvement of Portfolio Capital before and after Polish Accession to the EU and Its Consequences for the Economy - Selected Issues

Barbara Ptaszyńska


The changes which began in 1990 and lead to stability and restructuring of the economy and the legal system liberalization gave conditions for inward capital flows to Poland. Their increased inflow coincided with the Polish accession to the EU. At the same time, foreign investors by transferring portfolio capital gave rise to increased financial markets development mainly by financing the state budget borrowing needs. Only since 2001 the inflow of portfolio investments has had a significant impact on exchange rate variability. However, changes concerning export profitability did not curb its dynamics. Therefore, speculative capital inflows did not influence the Polish economy negatively before its accession to the EU and after it.(original abstract)


Foreign investment, Short-term Investments, Long-term securities, Foreign capital





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Ptaszyńska, B. (2012). The Involvement of Portfolio Capital before and after Polish Accession to the EU and Its Consequences for the Economy - Selected Issues. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 43(43). Retrieved from

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