Published : 2012-06-30

Public-Private Partnership as an Instrument for Completion of Public Tasks in the Border Region Saxony-Poland

Piotr Hajduga


Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is treated as an alternative possibility to solve problems of insufficient public infrastructure. According to the literature, PPP is one of the elements of public sector's changing approach to the execution of its tasks. The legal possibility of transferring part of the sector's responsibility for public tasks to the private sector improves the effectiveness and quality of services and helps multiply the number of investment projects. Besides, the public sector's role that has been passive and subordinated to rigid procedures is being replaced by a flexible approach, where specific types of behavior and processes within the public services sphere are encouraged. In practice there are several forms of PPP activities with different share of private capital. Successful implementation of PPP demands a fulfillment of some factors, such as economic efficiency, political and social environment, technical requirements, and first of all - legal regulations.(original abstract)


Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), Public governance, Public investment





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Hajduga, P. (2012). Public-Private Partnership as an Instrument for Completion of Public Tasks in the Border Region Saxony-Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 42(42). Retrieved from

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