Published : 2012-06-30

The Impact of Transport Accessibility on the Location of Direct Foreign Investments in Poland

Aleksandra Koźlak


The increasing globalization of production, the emergence of business networks and development of supply chains result in higher demand for transport and better quality of movement. The article researches the relationship between the level of transport accessibility of Polish regions and the value of foreign direct investment. In 2004-2009, most of the foreign capital was invested in voivodships: Masovia, Silesia and Lower Silesia, which have either very good or good transport accessibility. In those cases the analysis confirmed substantial influence of transport accessibility on spatial distribution of FDI. The strong correlation exists especially between growth of foreign capital flows and the air transport accessibility in regard to the movement of people as well as between road transport and multimodal accessibility in case of freight transport. However, for other types of accessibility the relation is weaker and can be at the best described as average.(original abstract)


Transport, Transport in the economy, Direct investments, Foreign investment, Spatial distribution





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Koźlak, A. (2012). The Impact of Transport Accessibility on the Location of Direct Foreign Investments in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 42(42). Retrieved from

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