Published : 2012-06-30

Connections of Research-Developmental Units and Enterprises in the Space of Regions with the Low Potential of the Innovative Economy

Edyta Szafranek


The aim of the article is to identify relationship between research and development units (RDU) and enterprises in the regions with the low potential of the innovative economy which are Opolskie, Świętokrzyskie and Lubuskie voivodships. Research refers to four determinants of the process of flow of knowledge between entities forming it and using this knowledge: type of moved knowledge, the way and the model of its transfer and the type of connections. Analysis was mainly based on statistical, primal and secondary sources, using official reports of the RSI (Regional Strategy of Innovation) and other estimations of the innovative economy in the explored regions. The research results indicate the dominance, in flows between RDUs and enterprises, of knowledge with public character, unofficial connections, supply model of the transfer of knowledge. We could notice that there is spatial correlation as how the scientific and economic activity is arranged. The author of this article stated that the transfer of knowledge in explored regions was insufficient so that RDUs being functional in them, cannot perform their mission and effectively create the development of the innovative economy.(original abstract)


Regional development, Innovative character, Regional innovation, R&D facility research, Research & Development (R D)





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Szafranek, E. (2012). Connections of Research-Developmental Units and Enterprises in the Space of Regions with the Low Potential of the Innovative Economy. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 42(42). Retrieved from

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