Published : 2012-06-30

The Role of Local Action Groups in Development of Rural Areas on Warminsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship

Piotr Szamrowski

Adam Pawlewicz


In the article the role of Local Action Groups in development of rural areas was shown. The conclusions and recommendations for the future were shown on the basis of Local Action Group operating in warminsko-mazurskie voivodeship. To sum up the preliminary insights in the present programming period it has to be underlined that Local Action Group has a great impact on rural areas development. The Leader approach in Local Action Groups functioning in warminskomazurskie voivodeship is implemented in different ways. In the process of realization the three main partners should be involved in the same way, particularly the economic sector. Nowadays the LAGs are dominated by public sector. The better cooperation means the bigger role in development of rural areas led by Local Action Groups.(original abstract)


Rural development, Local community, LEADER Programme, Local Action Group





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Szamrowski, P., & Pawlewicz, A. (2012). The Role of Local Action Groups in Development of Rural Areas on Warminsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 42(42). Retrieved from

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