Published : 2012-06-30

Spatial Components in Local Development Strategies

Agnieszka Zimnicka


Integrated development planning, which constitutes foundations of sustainable development (Leipzig Charter 2008), is founded on principles of partnership and programming of development. Space, place, location are integral elements of local development strategies in terms of physical improvements as well as programming in general. Each one of three administration and self-governance levels in Poland has got the responsibility for providing the spatial order which refers to the spatial distribution of land uses. The definition of the 'quality of space' is wider and comprises as well elements related to physical environment. Four groups of spatial quality measures (Zimnicka, Czernik 2007) have been established: - Consistent and legitimate planning, - Sustainable management of land resources, - Local identity and image, - Spatio-functional structure including mobility and accessibility. Consistent and legitimate planning requires efficient communication channels which would enable dialogue between very diversified groups of local development stakeholders. Space and associated visual communication seem to be tailored for this purpose. Management at all stages of strategic planning - from diagnosis till implementation, could be improved when spatial components are considered. Polish strategies place spatial order mainly in objectives (as opposed to visions, priorities and programmes). High quality of spatial development is desired, but very difficult to measure and programme. The opinion polls amongst Polish local government officers and urban planners confirm that the enabling and coordinator role of spatial aspects of development are well recognized. However, unfamiliarity with mapping techniques and as a result - the need to include the graphic consultant and building a detailed evidence base, are considered as key barriers to practical application. There is demand for simpler and straightforward methods of making local development strategies spatial. Statutory spatial planning techniques do not seem to be directly transferable to strategies. Mind mapping and other visual methods used in management should be explored as the starting point for introducing spatial thinking to development strategies in Poland.(original abstract)


District development strategy, Social economic space, District, Spatial distribution





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Zimnicka, A. (2012). Spatial Components in Local Development Strategies. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 42(42). Retrieved from

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