Published : 2012-04-30

Healthcare as a link in the public finance system. Existing and desired directions of change

Maria Węgrzyn


Healthcare is one of the largest sectors of the economy, and an important and problematic link in the public finance sector. The problem of proper and effective functioning of the public healthcare is primarily of a financial nature or, more broadly - of economic and financial nature. It is magnified by demographic and epidemiological factors that have a larger negative financial impact on public finances. The author identifies the problems that currently trouble the healthcare system, leads to their critical assessment, and points out the ways to overcome them. The paper also presents already prepared future system operations, as well as other necessary changes that aim to improve the financial and organizational efficiency in the healthcare sector.(original abstract)


Health care, Health care financing, Health care finance, Health care reform, Public finance sector





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Węgrzyn, M. (2012). Healthcare as a link in the public finance system. Existing and desired directions of change. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 41(41). Retrieved from

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