Published : 2012-02-28

Integrated Process and Risk Management

Maciej Skała

Iga Stróżyk


The purpose of this article is to present the support which can be given to an organization in an implementation of new management concepts like process or risk management by IT systems. With the increase of popularity of management systems more and more organizations have decided to change the traditional way of management to process management. The article describes possibilities of IT support while implementing such approach to an organization. A similar thing is risk management which has become an inherent element of organization. Currently the aim is to integrate risk management and process management, so they include all of the organization aspects (from the strategy, through objectives, processes and tasks). In order to support the implementation of integrated risk management new IT software has been made, the scope of which is presented in the article.(original abstract)


Risk management, Process management, Integrated management





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Skała, M., & Stróżyk, I. (2012). Integrated Process and Risk Management. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 40(40). Retrieved from

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