Published : 2011-12-30

The Leader Programme as a Tool of Rural Areas Development Stimuli - Metodical Preposition of Estimation Influence

Zbigniew Brodziński


The objective of the article was to point out the possibilities of influence estimation within local development strategies (LDS) aims and activities on rural areas development in regional scale. The realization of this aim was possible by answering following questions: - What is the role and evaluation meaning in the process of local development programming? - Which, in leaders' opinions, are main priorities having an impact on rural areas development in regional scale? - Which are analytical possibilities of using presented in the work method in aims and activities estimation, undertaken within implemented LDS on rural areas development? The answer for first two questions were delivered by the literature studies and opinions collected among 278 leaders in Warmia and Mazury voivodeship. The survey conducted with rightly selected five expert team delivered answer to the third questions. One of the conclusions was the statement, that the proposed method can be useful tool in local development strategies evaluation. (original abstract)


LEADER Programme, Rural areas, Regional development, Regional development strategy





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Brodziński, Z. (2011). The Leader Programme as a Tool of Rural Areas Development Stimuli - Metodical Preposition of Estimation Influence. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 39(39). Retrieved from

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