Published : 2011-12-30

Innovations Against Different Development of Areas in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship Based on Seaside Area Development Analysis

Adam Lulek


Since 1945 western pomerania territories were in the hands of Poland and since 1999 there was zachodniopomorskie voivodeship made on those areas, which is very diversified in terms of territories development. Seaside areas where it is possible to see small well-developed resorts such as Międzyzdroje or Rewal, bigger cities like Świnoujście and Kołobrzeg or ordinary places which compared to other regions seem to be undeveloped, show such differences. Places undeveloped have a chance to make development progress through investments in innovations such as using new technologies, more effective promotion, using European Union funds, establishing conditions to create and develop companies. All of above could create new jobs, reduce unemployment, bring more money to self-governments and improve economical and social situation of certain area. (original abstract)


Geoeconomic, Innovative character, Regional development





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Lulek, A. (2011). Innovations Against Different Development of Areas in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship Based on Seaside Area Development Analysis. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 39(39). Retrieved from

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