Published : 2011-12-30

The Level of Spatial and Env ironmental Governance Rural Communities in Sustainable Development on the Example of Warmia and Mazurv Voivodship

Katarzyna Pawlewicz

Adam Pawlewicz


Sustainable development as the main goal of human activity makes the pursuit of economic growth that will not be inconsistent with the needs of environmental protection. This gives the possibility of rational and intelligent use of our available resources in order to preserve them for future generations. One of the elements of sustainable development is spatial and environmental governance. This paper presents the proposes a method of assessing the level of spatial and environmental governance as one of the elements of sustainable development through the territorial units. The analysis of synthetic variables on the example of rural districts of Warmia and Mazury was used. The analysis comprised 67 municipalities that are grouped into three classes based on 14 indicators assessing the level of spatial and environmental governance. (original abstract)


Spatial order, Social-economic order, Sustainable development, District





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Pawlewicz, K., & Pawlewicz, A. (2011). The Level of Spatial and Env ironmental Governance Rural Communities in Sustainable Development on the Example of Warmia and Mazurv Voivodship. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 39(39). Retrieved from

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