Published : 2011-12-30

Efficiency of Using UE Funding as Regional Development Instrument

Dorota Wyszkowska


Since the accession of Poland to the European Union and providing our country with the possibility of benefiting from financial support within the framework of European regional policy, local self-government entities have become the main recipients of the EU aid. Available resources have both many supporters, and opponents undermining their importance for the development of Polish self-government entities. Self-government obtained funds, especially in the last years, indicate their great significance in respect of conducted investment policy. However, the basic question is: are the means used efficiently? Wouldn't it be more profitable (in terms of economic and social needs) to change their allocation into other projects? An answer to these questions is not possible as we do not have a method of measuring the efficiency of how EU funding is used, therefore, work towards preparing these methods is a challenge to Polish science. (original abstract)


EU funds, Regional development, Regional policy





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Wyszkowska, D. (2011). Efficiency of Using UE Funding as Regional Development Instrument. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 39(39). Retrieved from

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