Published : 2011-11-30

Financing of Regional Innovation Activity of Companies - Oslo Manual (Third Edition) Statistics and Modification Proposals

Dariusz Głuszczuk


Identification of sources and barriers of financing innovation activity of companies on the regional level involves application of appropriate research procedures. The Oslo Manual defines these activities in the universal dimension, i.e. in relation to the entire scope of research on innovation activity (expenditures, cooperation, factors influencing innovation activity, etc. and effects of innovation). These issues, however, are numerous and inconsistent, which leads to generalizations. We must make them more precise by looking at the sources and barriers of financing innovation activity. The first part of the article presents proposals in this matter. Subsequently, the article focuses on the analysis of data on funds and barriers of financing innovation activity - the solutions of the Oslo Manual and the Central Statistical Office. The drawbacks of these statistics seem to eliminate the proposed systematics of sources and barriers of covering the costs of innovation processes. (original abstract)


Enterprise innovation, Innovations, Source of financing





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Głuszczuk, D. (2011). Financing of Regional Innovation Activity of Companies - Oslo Manual (Third Edition) Statistics and Modification Proposals. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 38(38). Retrieved from

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