Published : 2011-11-30

The Effectiveaess of Management In a Regulated Market Competition on the Example of Urban Transport Services

Bogna Sawicka


The purpose of this article is to present dilemmas connected with the calculation of compensation for the public transport services. The article shows that the existing legal provisions concerning the calculation of the compensation have defects both in the application as well as on their economic merits. In operation since 2009 in Poland communication services financing model does not lead to the competitive behavior of the operators and more efficient use of public funds. The most significant drawbacks of this system are: cost-plus pricing formula used in the calculation of compensation, the lack of confrontation of the compensation with the market prices of services, lack of efficiency and resource use control system, guaranteeing a fixed rate of return on capital. (original abstract)


Public transport, Municipal transport, Transport services





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Sawicka, B. (2011). The Effectiveaess of Management In a Regulated Market Competition on the Example of Urban Transport Services. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 38(38). Retrieved from

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