Published : 2011-10-30

The Institutional Efficiency of Public Debt Management in Poland - the Attempt of Evaluation

Aneta Kargol-Wasiluk


The optimum institutional organization of public debt management seems to have fundamental meaning for the public finance in the given country. The increasing level of the public debt is a systematic brake of the economic development, and after exceeding certain critical indicators (e.g. of national debt in the relation to the GDP) is threatening with the fiscal crisis and economy crisis. In current discussion on the effectiveness and efficiency of the management in the public sector, a much attention is devoting itself to the concept of good governance/public governance. The institutional efficiency of public debt management is being tried to measure, and therefore an attempt of the evaluation of the model of the public debt management in Poland is in the idea of the authoress (assessment of the implementation of budgetary aims in short and long term in the relation to the purposes of public debt management, effectiveness of reacting to changes in market conditions), in the context of institutional possibilities for improvement of the fiscal discipline. The purpose of the article is the analysis of institutional efficiency of the public debt management in Poland relating to solutions applied in the EU. For the research a hypothetical-deductive method was adopted. (original abstract)


Public debt, Debt management, Good governance





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Kargol-Wasiluk, A. (2011). The Institutional Efficiency of Public Debt Management in Poland - the Attempt of Evaluation. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 37(37). Retrieved from

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